This page is not a political one, but I’m sure given current events there are a lot of people looking for resources for kids about racism and how to raise kids to be anti-racist.
This reading list from Embrace Race is a great place to start. It includes 31 children’s books for ages 3 and up. Most of them are biographies or otherwise true stories, with a little historical and realistic fiction as well.
These books are a great place to start a conversation about race and racism with your kids, or to add to a diverse library of inspirational stories that teach kids of all colors to question the way things are and to stand up for what is right.
According to the introduction:
Beyond addressing issues of race and racism, this children’s reading list focuses on taking action. It highlights resistance, resilience and activism; and seeks to empower youth to participate in the ongoing movement for racial justice. These books showcase the diverse ways people of all ages and races have engaged in anti-racist activism, and highlight how race intersects with other issues, such as capitalism, class and colonization.
[Photo: Embrace Race.]
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