This is a simple craft yet the outcome is just beautiful! What a great way to talk about the history of the Olympics with your children, through art! You can find the tutorial at East Coast Creative Blog.
Ideas and resources
This is a simple craft yet the outcome is just beautiful! What a great way to talk about the history of the Olympics with your children, through art! You can find the tutorial at East Coast Creative Blog.
[…] Kids Olympic Artwork – 1 freebie(s)? […]
[…] Kids Olympic Artwork – 1 freebie(s)? […]
Cape Verde, also known Cabo Verde and officially the Republic of Cabo Verde, is an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa. Its islands were formed by volcanic activity and have a combined land area of around 1,557 square miles, or 4,033 square kilometers, with a population just under 600,000 people.
The Cape Verde flag has a dark blue background with horizontal stripes of white, red and white starting at the middle of the flag. A set of ten five-pointed stars sits toward the lower left corner, representing the main islands of the country.
Blue is for the ocean, while the red and white bars symbolize the road to building the nation, as well as peace and effort.
The Cape Verde national anthem is “Cântico da Liberdade” or “Chant of Liberty,” which was adopted in 1996. The country had shared a national anthem with Guinea Bissau before that, as the countries gained independence at the same time.
According to Symbol Hunt, the national bird is the gray-headed kingfisher (they’re so cute!), while the national animal is the manatee. They say the national flower is the Gerbera daisy, and the Cape Verdean dragon tree is the national tree.
The African manatee is different from the manatees found in other parts of the world, and they haven’t been studied as well, but you can listen to the call of an African manatee and learn more about them here.
There are lots of great learning activities about Cape Verde at Teachers Pay Teachers. You can also find some downloadable worksheets and more facts at Kids Konnect.
Learn more about Pico de Fogo, the highest mountain on Cape Verde and the only active volcano. It last erupted in 2014.
Learn about and listen to morna, a traditional music, movement and poetry practice from Cape Verde that typically includes stringed instruments like the guitar, violin and ukulele.
Explore cachupa, a classic Cape Verdean stew, and try the recipe on that page or this one from Travel and Munchies.
This is beautiful and easy — I just pulled out my paint! The kids will love it (especially since our cable is out and we can’t watch Olympics today)!!