I know it’s not technically fall yet but I’m so ready, and there are a lot of great ideas for learning with fall items like leaves and acorns that you should have in mind when the time comes. Here are (more than!) a few to get you started. Check out this article on the best STEM gifts for kids.
I’d love to know if you incorporate natural materials into learning during the fall or any other time of year!
Leaf Chromatography — remove the color from leaves — Schooling a Monkey
Measuring Leaves — And Next Comes L (she also has a great math tray using fall materials)
Tracing the Veins of a Leaf — Go Science Girls
Counting Nature — Mom Explores the Rockies
Subtracting with Ten Frames — Leaf Theme — Life Over Cs
Math Activities Using Natural Materials — The Usual Mayhem
Activities for Little Learners
Leaf Number Sort and Alphabet Leaf Activity — A Dab of Glue Will Do (check out this great list of fall books for littles, too)
Fall Sensory Bin — Ms. Jones’ Creation Station (also grab her colors of fall printable coloring book for emergent readers)
Acorn Fine Motor Activities — Little Bins for Little Hands (don’t miss her fall discovery table, sensory bottles and fall slime, too!)
Fall Sight Word Flashcards — Look We’re Learning (also fall play dough mats)
More Fun Activities
Tree Leaf Collection — with identification cards — Preschool Powol Packets
Leaf Identification Printables — Look We’re Learning (also check out Scarecrow Syllables for second graders and her All About Leaves printable pack)
Thanks for sharing my natural materials post! I love this collection – pinned to my fall board 🙂