I actually mentioned this idea back in March when I talked about a Harry Potter-themed math game (which, if you haven’t seen, you should absolutely check it out), but it’s so cool that I feel like it needs a mention on its own. And Minecraft math might be just the thing to help your game-obsessed kids get a little learning in this summer, right?
Royal Baloo made this awesome Minecraft-themed multiplication game, which you can print out at home and set up pretty easily (you will need access to a color printer). The idea is that you are trying to collect all the resources by landing on different colored parts of the game board. To collect that resource, you have to correctly answer the multiplication problem on the back.
It’s such a great idea and would be adaptable to a lot of different themes (she also has a Pokemon one). I mean, I want to play this and I don’t even like Minecraft.
[Photo: Royal Baloo.] Looking for more resources? Check out these board games for learning Math and Multiplication?
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